Wednesday, January 7, 2009

does God have teeth??

Can I ask you a question? Does God have teeth? Does he even need teeth? Does he eat?

That, obviously, is not a true question, but in light of formatting, I needed to ask a silly question in order to share a funny tidbit from the little guy that makes me laugh an awful lot. a lot of the time!! Actually, it is a conversation that took place between him and his dad. Gabriel is 3, by the way.

Gabriel's dad: There are no monster's here, because God is here so they can't come around

Gabriel: Where's God, I don't see Him?!!

Gabriel's Dad: Well, He's here, He's always here

Gabriel: No, no, he's not here, he went to the dentist!!

So I leave you with this question:

Do you have any funny stories to share from out of the mouths of babes?

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