Tuesday, January 27, 2009

why did I decide to list all those books? to the right, a couple of inches down...

Can I ask you a question? Why would I list all the books you see on my blog now?

The shortened answer is: my friend Michele posted a resolution of sorts her
blog, and I decided to pursue a similar one of my own and join the crowd. Btw- her resolution stemmed from this article.

So the long reason why I have decided to join this resolution/competition/etc. is because about a year and a half ago, Michele and I were conversing about my college career. I was sharing how my English professor was really encouraging me to explore writing more and even possibly switching to English as my major (I have not, as an fyi). Michele had many encouraging things and suggestions to say (including starting a blog), but she said one thing that has haunted me since. She said, "Why would go into an English major, you don't really like reading, do you." (or something to that extent- sorry M if this is not an accurate word for word repeat!!). A first, I felt offended- I mean, she is one of my closest friends, so how could she say such a thing?? I mean, I was one of the kids who learned to read at age four and always had a book in hand- would read walking to and from school, sneak to the bathroom to read, not fall asleep until 4 A.M. in order to finish a book. Heck, moving seven times in 3 years (um..that is for a future post!) would have been no problem at all had I not ended up having seven- ten boxes half filled with books.

But, she had reason to suggest such an atrocity. You see, since moving to Baltimore, and particularly since starting school in 2004, I have not been very diligent or disciplined to read much other than care group books and textbooks. I tend to buy books that I either do not get time to read or only partially finish.

So, my modified version of M's resolution: I am going to read 26 books this year ALL the way through!! That means I would be finishing one about every other week. I have finished Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard already, and am already in the midst of Knowing God by J.I. Packer (as a study), The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever (for care group), almost finished with Healthy Christian Growth by Sinclair Ferguson (a quickish read), and am planning on starting Far From You by Lisa Shroeder (again, for quick reading). I am trying to only be in the midst of 3 at a time- since they will be read at different times and for different purposes. I am also hoping to write a short summary of what thought and favorite quotes (if any). I am feeling pretty excited about this!! A few friends have made suggestions, so I have a tentative 26 started...but they are subject to change- the ones followed by an asterisk are ones I have previously read, so they may get knocked off unless I feel the Lord is prompting me to keep them on anyway.

So I leave you with this question:

Do you have any favorite books you can suggest? Particularly ones that have greatly impacted your life, and WHY.

Since I have finished Hinds Feet, I will be writing up a review shortly!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

what do i need to know at 30?

Can I ask you a question? Is there anything that those of you who have saw 30 already can offer me in the arena of advice?

I turned 30 on Saturday, and unlike many other people (from my observation), I don't really mind. Truth be told, I am excited- NO, ECSTATIC!!! I don't know exactly why I feel so giddy at this particular age. Perhaps its the prospect of a new decade- 10 plus years have gone by since my entrance into adulthood, and there are many lessons I learned along the way. The most important- or relevant (besides the actual Gospel)- is LEARN FROM OTHERS!!!

So many people told me back then, "Don't do this or do that...learn form my mistakes...if only I had known and had the chances you have..." Unfortunately, I rarely listened then and I filed to learn without experiencing first hand the tragedy of rebellion. I wish I could even claim ignorance, but I was well informed.

But, "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning" (Lamentations 22-23). So, I know that I can start fresh, not just this new decade, but everyday. I do think, however, that I have finally learned through God's word that it is good to have counsel. So, I am beseeching anyone who has reached this milestone themselves...LET ME LEARN FROM YOU!! PLEASE!! I am aware of my own foolishness, so I need help to be wiser.... or, is it more wise.??

So I leave you with this question:

From your own experiences, what can you teach me for this new season of life??

30 is gonna ROCK!! woohoo!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

does God have teeth??

Can I ask you a question? Does God have teeth? Does he even need teeth? Does he eat?

That, obviously, is not a true question, but in light of formatting, I needed to ask a silly question in order to share a funny tidbit from the little guy that makes me laugh an awful lot. a lot of the time!! Actually, it is a conversation that took place between him and his dad. Gabriel is 3, by the way.

Gabriel's dad: There are no monster's here, because God is here so they can't come around

Gabriel: Where's God, I don't see Him?!!

Gabriel's Dad: Well, He's here, He's always here

Gabriel: No, no, he's not here, he went to the dentist!!

So I leave you with this question:

Do you have any funny stories to share from out of the mouths of babes?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

what is the BEST thing about 2009?

Can I ask you a question? What do you think is the best thing about this year? In 2009, what do we have to look forward to?

Here is what I believe is the most exciting thing:

"God so loved the world, he sent his only Son to die for us. And whomever believes in His name will not perish but have eternal life." WOW!! (that is John 3:16, btw)

And, the thing is, that is not something new for 2009...it was true in 2008, as it was in 1009, and will be in 2010 and beyond!

It is new to me this week though, because I have been mediating on this line, "I ask great things of a great God," from Valley of Vision, which is a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions. I wanted to pass on to you the entire prayer so that you can reflect on what a kind, gracious, and BIG God we have. (hopefully there are no copyright infringements here!!)

O Fountain of all good,
Destroy in me every lofty thought,
Break pride to pieces and scatter it to the winds. Annihilate each clinging shred of self-righteousness,
Implant in me true lowliness of spirit,
Abase me to self-loathing and self-abhorrence,
Open up in me a fount of penitential tears,
Break me, then bind me up;
Thus will my heart be a prepared dwelling for my God;

Then the Father can take His abode in me,
Then can the blessed Jesus come with healing in His touch,
Then can the Holy Spirit descend in sanctifying grace;

O Holy Trinity, three Persons and one God,
inhabit me, a temple consecrated to thy glory!

When thou art present, evil cannot abide;
In thy fellowship is fullness of joy,
Beneath thy smile is peace of conscience,
By thy side, no fears disturb,
no apprehensions banish rest of mind,
With Thee my heart shall bloom with fragrance;
Make me meet, through repentance, for thine indwelling.
NOTHING exceeds thy power,
NOTHING is too great for thee to do,
NOTHING too good for thee to give.
Infinite is thy might, boundless thy love,
limitless thy grace, glorious thy saving name.

Let angels sing for sinners repenting, prodigals restored,
backsliders reclaimed, Satan's captive's released,

blind eyes opened, broken hearts bound up,
the despondent cheered, the self-righteous stripped,
the formalist driven from a refuge of lies,
the ignorant enlightened,
and the saints built up in their holy faith.

I ask great things of a great God.

So I leave you with this question:

Do you know the God described in this prayer and the wonderful work that He has done for you?? (If you don't, you need to- your life depends on it!!)

God Bless and Happy New Years!