Tuesday, October 28, 2008

are you ever tired?

Can I ask you a question? Are you ever tired? I mean, REALLY tired...feeling purely exhausted??

I am tired. Yes, sleepy tired, because it is 11:35 p.m. But, lately, I have felt more and more tired on a daily basis. I am not sure if my sleep quantity is still insufficient, if it is lacking in quality, or if life is just sucking the life out of me. I just reread that...lol...sort of an oxymoron. I have been trying to get into God's word more, and THAT is pretty energizing, but mostly even though I want to, I tend to fall asleep as soon as I sit down.

I think when a person's brain thinks constantly and rhetorically about something, it can make them exhausted too. Currently, I am praying and asking God where He might have me live. I have spent the past 6 months trying to redeem a sin I committed. I have finally realized that my disobedience stemmed form a desire to serve and worship myself. I know longer want to do that , but how do I know always what worshiping the Lord looks like?

So I ask you:

What does worship mean? And how do we do that on a daily basis?

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