Tuesday, August 19, 2008

inquisitive or nosy?

Can I ask you a question? Is one inquisitive or just plain nosy, when one begins asking lots of questions?

Well, I suppose it would depend on what person is being asked!! I am naturally a curious person. Call it a consequence of being repressed as a child and not having ALL my questions answered at three years of age, or an insatiable desire to hold the world' s record for largest knowledge base (haha!), or perhaps the answer lies in this simple fact: I just want to know people. My bests friends are the ones who have allowed me to probe their minds, shared the history of their lives with me. The man I think I will love is the one that I know like the contours of my own face- who has opened up his life to me so that even when I am not with him, I KNOW that he is in pain. This might sound boring to know a person this well, I mean, where's the mystery, right? But, ha! Knowing ones face well can only happen to a certain degree. We only get mirror images of our selves, so there is still much to be explored....so vast, that it never gets boring. It is helpful to ask questions too, in learning how to serve someone better, either in actions, or in their sanctification process. Questions help people to know the whole story in a situation. So, I believe it is a fine balance: information that is irrelevant to a situation, gossiping (either hearing or sharing), may cause myself or the person answering to stuble in their walk with the Lord, or for infringes on another person's personal boundaries are DEFINITELY not viable as anything other than nosiness.

OH! I promised to let you in on how this got started. Obviously, you can tell my passion for questions, right? In 2005, I was at a care group picnic, where we each were awarded a homemade plaque that exclaimed a trait or characteristic that we exemplified; somewhat like a high school superlative ( yay! I spelled that right!!). Mine was "Most likely to start a sentence with: Can I ask you a question?" fast forward to about one year ago. I took English 102 as a requirement for the college degree I am currently working on (Early Childhood Education). The professor was very encouraging, and suggested I find other avenues to pursue my writing abilities. Around the same time (or maybe earlier??) my friends, M, began a blog, and suggested i do the same. To know why I delayed, read this: why would I start my own blog?

But, I always have a lot of thoughts, and would eventually hope to have some input from the rest of the world, so I thought, "what the heck?" And what would be more appropriate than one that functions as a question forum? One in which I can ask a question, and share my answer, and allow for others, through the comment option, to reciprocate.

So, how does this work? At the end of each blog, you will find a question, highlighted in TEAL. The readers job is to click on comment for the opportunity to post their own thoughts, and share what they think or know.

Ok, one last thing, a story to share!! Have you ever wondered just how on Earth young children can be so sweet and yet still so sinful? In the Children's Center where I work, there is a 13 1/2 month chunky monkey boy named "G" (to protect the identity of the perpetrator, I mean, innocent...lol). Everyday at nap time, he is CLEARLY tired, rubbing his eyes, yawning, and barely being able to stand up. Everyday, we remind him to lay down. Additionally, this little ball of energy loves to screech plastic toys on a slate windowsill, get into the trash, and dump all the toys on the floor. And, just last week, he discovered the art of "watering" his high chair tray with his milk bottle. That is typical, no big deal, right? BUT!! When you speak sternly or even attempt to sound angry, he just laughs. Exasperating??? YYEESSS!!! But, he won my heart once again, Monday morning, when as I was pulling his shorts up after a diaper change, he grabbed the sides of my face with his chubby little fingers and began rubbing his pudgy little baby nose on mine. He ended our sweet Eskimo kiss with a loud, smacking, "MMMMAAHHH!" ( apparently, he thinks Eskimo kisses end with an air kiss). Sweet:o)

So, I leave you with this question(s):

Is it better to ask what you want to know or leave some mystery? Also, any cute kid stories you can share?

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